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Writing Workshop (9am PST): How to go Outwild Inside with Marijke McCandless

hosted by Marijke McCandless

hosted by Marijke McCandless

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Marijke McCandless is a former harried VP of corporate communications for a high technology company, now an award-winning and internationally published writer, rock-climber, and awareness practitioner of twenty-five years dedicated to inquiring into the nature of reality, saying YES! to life, casting writing spells, and generally living life imperfectly but with great delight. She recently founded a group called Write Now Mind, which is a virtual writing practice group that is designed to capture two concepts, a free-writing practice that is uncontrolled and unfiltered and a state of mind that pays attention to the particular moment at hand.

Join Marijke for her writing workshop, How to go Outwild inside, where she'll guide you through writing practices designed to reap some of the same benefits as spending time in nature without leaving your home