Workshop | How and Why To Do A Digital Detox - Jeremy Jensen | RECORDING

Workshop | How and Why To Do A Digital Detox - Jeremy Jensen | RECORDING


About the Event:

Let’s face it, with all the great benefits technology brings us, it also comes with unintended side effects. Nonstop phone use and incessant messaging at work have become cultural norms, and have led to chronic distraction and a mental health crisis. Did you know the average office worker only has 11 minutes of uninterrupted work time in a typical 8-hour work day? Or that the average US adult spends over 7 hours of screen time per day? But it’s never too late to reclaim our attention and relearn how to be present in the real world around us. We just need a better relationship with our screens, and namely our phones. 

In this workshop, we’ll explore some actionable tips and protocols for a digital detox. Even with just a few small adjustments, you’ll start noticing a positive difference in your daily life.

About this Speaker:

Outwild cofounder, Jeremy Jensen, is an entrepreneur, speaker, and mountain sports athlete - passionate about helping people lead authentic and intentional lives, rich with experiences that make them feel alive! His interests lie at the intersection of flow science, lifestyle design, and action/adventure sports. He publishes daily content on optimal living and how to live, think, and feel better via his Instagram page @the.flowguy here. He is also the founder of Crux Academy. His main priorities are to always be growing, helping other people, being the best papa ever, and chasing flow states.

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